Agent Referral Program
Let us be your partner in Property Management

We treat your client as our own. We offer a wide range of property management services to fit your client's needs for commercial properties and associations, and we tailor our services to ensure that your client has the highest level of service for their property. At the end of the day, we make your job easier with notifications of lease renewal. The property will yield its maximum return, which will make you look good!
Resources and Forms
Why should Agents refer owners to California Pacific Management?
$$ now AND $$ later
NOW: We pay $$ for referring to us
LATER: We refer tenants who are ready to relocate or buy, back to agents who have referred to us, AND we put owners back into the original agent's hands when they are ready to sell
We do the agent's job for them (for free!)
If the agent has a lease listing and their client signs up with us to do the management, all the agent has to do is find a prospect who is interested in renting and we will do the rest
How it works
- An owner lets you know they are interested in management.
- You call Cal Pac with the details of the referral and a representative from Cal Pac calls the property owner.
- Upon execution of a management agreement, you are sent your referral check from Cal Pac.
- You are now locked into the data base for that property and sent all notifications regarding all lease activity for that building protecting its life time of future commissions.
- Agent negotiates the lease
Other benefits
- Agents never have to lose a client again due to the economy
- Confidence in knowing California Pacific Management does not list or sell properties – everything is referred to outside agents
- Owner will appreciate agent for referring us due to our service and competitive pricing
- We treat referred business like gold and strive for 100% customer satisfaction to make the agent look good